As part of the Texas Defense Industry Diversification grant, the TEEX Cyber Readiness Center is offering no-cost DoD-funded technical assistance focused on performing NIST SP 800-171 gap analysis for qualifying defense contractors in the Houston area. To qualify, customers must be nonprime DoD manufacturers or contractors that are required to comply with DFARS Clause 252.204-7012. Manufacturers that supply only commercial off the shelf (COTS) items to the DoD do not qualify for this grant.
Our Process
Step 1 Visit with your company
Step 2 Determine the need for compliance
Step 3 Conduct a gap analysis of the 110 security controls in NIST 800-171
Step 4 Guide your company in developing or updating a Security Plan and Plan of Action
This program is overseen by the NIST Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP) and the Texas Manufacturing Assistance Center (TMAC). Materials produced by this engagement will remain confidential, are for use by the customer for DFARS compliance, and are not shared with the Department of Defense or other outside entities.
Other services including comprehensive planning, training, and technical assessment are available from TMAC and TEEX but may not qualify for grant funding. For more information about the Texas Manufacturers Assistance Center visit:
If you are a Houston-area defense contractor and would to schedule a free on-site consultation to learn more about this program and if you qualify, please contact us!